The next question is about your work activities on your principle job. Did the following work activities occupy 10 percent or more of your time during a typical work week on this job?
a. Accounting, finance, contracts
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
b. Applied research - study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
c. Basic research - study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
d. Computer applications, programming, systems development
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
e. Development - using knowledge gained from research for the production of materials, devices
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
f. Design of equipment, processes, structures, models
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
g. Employee relations ? including recruiting, personnel development, training
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
h. Management and administration
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
i. Production, operations, maintenance (e.g., truck driver, machinist or mechanic)
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
j. Professional services (health care, financial services, legal services, etc.)
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
k. Sales, purchasing, marketing
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
l. Quality or productivity management
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
m. Teaching
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
n. Other (Specify:_____________)
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No