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PHDPAJB indicates whether or not the respondent had either sought or held a career path job after receiving his/her doctorate degree. In an earlier sample (SESTAT - SDR 1997), the variables PHDPS and PHDPATH indicate whether or not the respondent sought or held a career path position, respectively.
Supported by: National Institutes of Health, Stat/Transfer, and University of Minnesota.
Copyright © Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota.
Name | Short | Long |
NSCG | CG | National Survey of College Graduates (SESTAT version) |
SDR | DR | Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SESTAT version) |
NSRCG | RG | National Survey of Recent College Graduates (SESTAT version) |
SDR-X | DR-X | Survey of Doctorate Recipients (full survey) |
ISDR-X | ID-X | International Survey of Doctorate Recipients (full survey) |