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2003 National Survey of Recent College Graduates

Conducted by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. for: National Science Foundation
This information is solicited under the authority of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended, and the Confidential Information and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002. The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. Your responses will be kept confidential. Your response is voluntary and failure to provide some or all of the requested information will not in any way adversely affect you. The average time to complete this survey is about 25 minutes. Please send any comments on the time required for this survey to the National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Suite 295, Arlington, VA 22230, Attn: NSF Reports Clearance Officer.

Please make any name/address changes below.

First Name
Last Name
Number and Street
Zip Code

OMB No: 3145-0077
Approval Expires: 09/30/2005

Part A - Education Background


In what year did you receive your high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate?
YEAR ___ ___ ___ ___

In what U.S. state, U.S. territory, or foreign country did you last attend high school?
State/Territory: _________________________
Foreign Country: _________________________

Have you ever taken courses at a community college?
Use an X to mark your answer.
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No

Do you have a 2-year associate's degree?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No

When you first entered college to begin working on a bachelor's degree, what was your intended major field of study?
0 [ ] Mark (X) this box if you were undecided and then go to question A7
First Intended Major

Using the Field of Study list on pages 18-19, choose the code that best describes your first intended major.
CODE __ __ __
NOTE: Education codes range from 601 to 995

Using a 4-point scale, what was your overall undergraduate grade point average (GPA)?
If you have more than one bachelor's degree, give your overall grade point average for your first bachelor's degree.
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] 3.75-4.00 GPA (Mostly A's)
2 [ ] 3.25-3.74 GPA (About half A's/half B/s)
3 [ ] 2.75-3.24 GPA (Mostly B's)
4 [ ] 2.25-2.74 GPA (About half B's/half C's)
5 [ ] 1.75-2.24 GPA (Mostly C's)
6 [ ] 1.25-1.74 GPA (About half C's/half D's)
7 [ ] Less than 1.25 (Mostly D's or below)
8 [ ] Have not taken courses for which grades were given

How many college or university degrees do you have at the bachelor's level or higher?
NUMBER _____

During the week of October 1, 2003, were you enrolled in or taking courses at a college or university?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No (question A16)

(If Yes) Were you taking courses or enrolled as ...
Mark (X) one answer.
1 [ ] A full-time student in a degree program
2 [ ] A part-time student in a degree program
3 [ ] Not enrolled in a degree program, but taking courses

Toward what degree were you working?
If you were working toward more than one degree, mark the level of the highest degree.
Mark (X) one answer.
0 [ ] No specific degree (Go to question A10)
1 [ ] Bachelor's degree (e.g., BS, BA, AB)
2 [ ] Master's degree (e.g., MS, MA, MBA)
3 [ ] Doctorate (e.g., PhD, DSc, EdD)
4 [ ] Other professional degree (e.g., JD, LLB, MD, DDS, DVM) Specify type: _______________
5 [ ] Other ? Specify type: ___________________________

What was the primary field of study for this degree?

Using the FIELD OF STUDY list on pages 18-19, choose the code that best describes the field of study for this degree
Code: ___ ___ ___
NOTE: Field of study codes range from 601 to 995

For which of the following reasons were you taking courses or enrolled?
Mark (X) Yes or No for each item.
1. To gain further education before entering a career
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

2. To prepare for graduate school or further education
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

3. To change your academic or occupational field
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

4. To gain further skills or knowledge in your academic or occupational field
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

5. For licensure or certification
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

6. To increase opportunities for promotion, advancement, or higher salary
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

7. Required or expected by employer
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

8. For leisure or personal interest
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

9. Other ? Specify: _____________________________________________
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

Were any of your school-related costs for taking courses paid for by an employer?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No

How likely is it that you will one day take additional college or university courses?
1 [ ] Very likely
2 [ ] Somewhat likely
3 [ ] Very unlikely

The next few questions ask about the degrees you received before October 1, 2003. Starting with your most recent college or university degree, please provide the following information for each degree you have at the bachelor?s level or higher. If you have more than three degrees, report your two most recent degrees and your first bachelor?s degree.


a. From which school did you receive your most recent degree?
College or University Name
State/Foreign Country

b. In what month and year was this degree awarded?
Month: ___ ___ Year: ___ ___ ___ ___

c. What type of degree did you receive?
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] Bachelor's degree (e.g., BS, BA, AB)
2 [ ] Master's degree (e.g., MS, MA, MBA)
3 [ ] Doctorate (e.g., PhD, DSc, EdD)
4 [ ] Other professional degree (e.g., JD, LLB, MD, DDS, DVM) Specify: ________
5 [ ] Other ? specify: ________________________________

d. What is the major field of study and second major (if any) for this degree?

e. Using FIELD OF STUDY list on pages 18-19, choose the code that best describes the major field of study and second major (if any) for this degree.
Code for Primary Field of Study: ___ ___ ___
Code for Second Major: ___ ___ ___
NOTE: Education codes range from 601-995


a. From which school did you receive your most recent degree?
College or University Name
State/Foreign Country

b. In what month and year was this degree awarded?
Month: ___ ___ Year: ___ ___ ___ ___

c. What type of degree did you receive?
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] Bachelor's degree (e.g., BS, BA, AB)
2 [ ] Master's degree (e.g., MS, MA, MBA)
3 [ ] Doctorate (e.g., PhD, DSc, EdD)
4 [ ] Other professional degree (e.g., JD, LLB, MD, DDS, DVM) Specify: ________
5 [ ] Other ? specify: ________________________________

d. What is the major field of study and second major (if any) for this degree?

e. Using FIELD OF STUDY list on pages 18-19, choose the code that best describes the major field of study and second major (if any) for this degree.
Code for Primary Field of Study: ___ ___ ___
Code for Second Major: ___ ___ ___
NOTE: Education codes range from 601-995


a. From which school did you receive your most recent degree?
College or University Name
State/Foreign Country

b. In what month and year was this degree awarded?
Month: ___ ___ Year: ___ ___ ___ ___

c. What type of degree did you receive?
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] Bachelor's degree (e.g., BS, BA, AB)
2 [ ] Master's degree (e.g., MS, MA, MBA)
3 [ ] Doctorate (e.g., PhD, DSc, EdD)
4 [ ] Other professional degree (e.g., JD, LLB, MD, DDS, DVM) Specify: ________
5 [ ] Other ? specify: ________________________________

d. What is the major field of study and second major (if any) for this degree?

e. Using FIELD OF STUDY list on pages 18-19, choose the code that best describes the major field of study and second major (if any) for this degree.
Code for Primary Field of Study: ___ ___ ___
Code for Second Major: ___ ___ ___
NOTE: Education codes range from 601-995

The next question asks about the types of financial support you may have received to finance any undergraduate or graduate degrees you completed before October 1, 2003.
Mark (X) all that apply for each undergraduate and graduate column.
1 Did not earn a degree at this level
[ ] Undergraduate [ ] Graduate

2 Financial support from parents, spouse, other relatives, not to be repaid
[ ] Undergraduate [ ] Graduate

3 Loans from the school you attended, banks, federal or state government
[ ] Undergraduate [ ] Graduate

4 Loans from parents or other relatives
[ ] Undergraduate [ ] Graduate

5 Financial assistance from your employer
[ ] Undergraduate [ ] Graduate

6 Tuition waivers, fellowships, grants, scholarships
[ ] Undergraduate [ ] Graduate

7 Assistantships or work study
[ ] Undergraduate [ ] Graduate

8 Earnings form employment
[ ] Undergraduate [ ] Graduate

9 Other ? Specify _____________________

The next question asks about the TOTAL amount you have borrowed to finance undergraduate and graduate degrees you completed before October 1, 2003, and how much you still owed as of October 1, 2003.
Mark one answer in each undergraduate and graduate column.
Completed Undergraduate Degrees
1 None
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

2 $1-$5,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

3 $5,001-$10,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

4 $10,001-$15,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

5 $15,001-$20,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

6 $20,001-$25,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

7 $25,001-$30,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

8 $30,001-$35,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

9 $35,001 or more
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003
Completed Graduate Degrees
1 None
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

2 $1-$5,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

3 $5,001-$10,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

4 $10,001-$15,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

5 $15,001-$20,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

6 $20,001-$25,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

7 $25,001-$30,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

8 $30,001-$35,000
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

9 $35,001 or more
[ ] Total Amount Borrowed [ ] Amount Still Owed as of October 1, 2003

Between the most recent degree you earned prior to October 1, 2003 and October 1, 2003, did you enroll in or take any courses at a college or university?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No (Go to question B1)

Toward what degree were your working?
If you were working toward more than one degree, mark the level for the highest degree.
0 [ ] No specific degree (Go to question B1)
1 [ ] Bachelor's degree (e.g., BS, BA, AB)
2 [ ] Master's degree (e.g., MS, MA, MBA)
3 [ ] Doctorate (e.g., PhD, DSc, EdD, etc.)
4 [ ] Other professional degree (e.g., JD, LLB, MD, DDS, etc.) ? Specify _________________
5 [ ] Other ? Specify _______________

What was the primary field of study for this degree?

Using the FIELD OF STUDY list on pages 18-19, choose the code that best describes the field of study for this degree
Code: ___ ___ ___
NOTE: Field of study codes range from 601 to 995

Part B ? Employment Situation

Were you working for pay or profit during the week of October 1, 2003?
Working includes being a student on paid work-study, self-employed, or on any type of paid or unpaid leave, including vacation.
1 [ ] Yes (Go to page 6, question B7)
2 [ ] No

(If No) Did you look for work during the four weeks preceding October 1, 2003? This would be between September 3rd and October 1st.
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No

What were your reasons for not working during the week of October 1?
Mark Yes or No for each item.
1. Retired
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No
If Yes, Year retired: ___ ___ ___ ___

2. On layoff from a job
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

3. Student
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

4. Family responsibilities
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

5. Chronic illness or permanent disability
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

6. Suitable job not available
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

7. Did not need or want to work
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

8. Other ? specify: ___________________________________
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

Prior to the week of October 1, 2003, when did you last work for pay or profit?
0 [ ] Mark (X) this box if you never worked for pay or profit and then go to page 13, question D1.
Month: ___ ___ Year ___ ___ ___ ___

What kind of work were you doing on this last job ? that is, what were your duties and responsibilities on your last job? Please be as specific as possible, including any area of specialization.
Example: High school teacher ? Math.

Using the JOB CATEGORY list on pages 20-21, choose the code that best describes the last job you held prior to the week of April 1, 2006.
CODE ___ ___ ___ (Go to page 11, question B36)
NOTE: Job category codes range from 010 to 500

(If you worked during week of October 1st) Counting all jobs held during the week of October 1, 2003, did you usually work...
1 [ ] A total of 35 or more hours per week (Go to page 7, question B10)
2 [ ] Fewer than 35 hours per week

(If you worked fewer than 35 hours) During the week of October 1, did you want to work a full-time work week of 35 or more hours?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No

For which of the following reasons were you working for less than 35 hours during the week of October 1?
Mark (X) all that apply.
1 [ ] Retired or semi-retired
Year retired __ __ __ __

2 [ ] On layoff from a job
3 [ ] Student
4 [ ] Family responsibilities
5 [ ] Chronic illness or permanent disability
6 [ ] Suitable job not available
7 [ ] Did not need or want to work
8 [ ] Other ? Specify ____________________

Principal Employer

Who was your principal employer during the week of October 1, 2003?
If you had more than one job, report the one for which you worked the most hours that week.
If your employer had more than one location, report the location that employed you.
If you worked for a contracting or consulting company, report the name of that company, not the client organization.
Employer Name
ZIP Code

What was that employer's main business or industry; that is, what did that employer make or do?
If your principal employer had more than one type of business, report the type of business primarily performed at the location where you worked.
Example: Production of microprocessor chips

Counting all locations where this employer operates, how many people work for your principal employer? Your best estimate is fine.
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] 10 or fewer employees
2 [ ] 11-24 employees
3 [ ] 25-99 employees
4 [ ] 100-499 employees
5 [ ] 500-999 employees
6 [ ] 1,000-4,999 employees
7 [ ] 5,000-24,999 employees
8 [ ] 25,000+ employees

Did your principal employer come into being as a new business within the past 5 years?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No

Which one of the following best describes your principal employer during the week of October 1? Were you ...
Mark (X) one answer.
1 [ ] SELF-EMPLOYED in own NOT INCORPORATED business, professional practice or farm
2 [ ] SELF-EMPLOYED in own INCORPORATED business, professional practice or farm
3 [ ] A PRIVATE FOR-PROFIT organization or individual working for wages, salary or commissions
4 [ ] A PRIVATE NOT-FOR-PROFIT, tax-exempt, or charitable organization
5 [ ] Local GOVERNMENT (e.g., city, county)
6 [ ] State GOVERNMENT
7 [ ] U.S. military service, active duty or Commissioned Corps (e.g., USPHS, NOAA)
8 [ ] U.S. Government (e.g., civilian employee)
9 [ ] Other ? Specify ________________________

Was your principal employer an educational institution?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No (Go to question B20)

(If Yes) Was the educational institution where you worked a...
Mark (X) one answer.
1 [ ] Preschool, elementary, middle, or secondary school or system (Go to question B20)
2 [ ] Two-year college, community college, or technical institute
3 [ ] Four-year college or university, other than a medical school
4 [ ] Medical school (including university-affiliated hospital or medical center)
5 [ ] University-affiliated research institute
6 [ ] Other ? Specify ____________________________

During the week of October 1, 2003, what type of academic position(s) did you hold at this institution?
Mark (X) all that apply.
1 [ ] President, Provost, or Chancellor (any level)
2 [ ] Dean (any level), department head or chair
3 [ ] Research faculty, scientist, associate or fellow
4 [ ] Teaching faculty
5 [ ] Adjunct faculty
6 [ ] Postdoc (e.g., postdoctoral fellow or associate)
7 [ ] Research assistant
8 [ ] Teaching assistant
9 [ ] Other ? Specify ____________________________

What was your faculty rank?
Mark (X) one answer.
1 [ ] Not applicable: no ranks designated at this institution
2 [ ] Not applicable: no ranks designated for my position
3 [ ] Professor
4 [ ] Associate Professor
5 [ ] Assistant Professor
6 [ ] Instructor
7 [ ] Lecturer
8 [ ] Other ? Specify ________________________

What was your faculty?
Mark (X) one answer
1 [ ] Not applicable: no tenure system at this institution
2 [ ] Not applicable: no tenure system for my position
3 [ ] Tenured
4 [ ] On tenure track but not tenured
5 [ ] Not on tenure track

Principal Job

What kind of work were you doing on your principal job held during the week of October 1, 2003 ? that is, what was your occupation? Please be as specific as possible, including any area of specialization.
Example: High school teacher - Math.

Using the JOB CATEGORY list on pages 20-21, choose the code that best describes the work you were doing on your principal job during the week of October 1.
CODE: ___ ___ ___
NOTE: Job category codes range from 010 to 500

Did your duties on this job require the technical expertise of a bachelor's degree or higher in...
Mark (X) Yes or No for each item.
1 Engineering, computer science, math, or the natural sciences
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

2 The social sciences
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

3 Some other field (e.g., health, business, or education) ? Specify
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

During what month and year did you start this job (that is, your principal job held during the week of October 1, 2003)?
Month ___ ___ Year ___ ___ ___ ___

To what extent was your work on you principal job related to your highest degree? Was it...
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] Closely related (Go to question B27)
2 [ ] Somewhat related (Go to question B27)
3 [ ] Not related (Go to question B27)

(If Not related) Did these factors influence your decision to work in an area outside the field of your highest degree?
Mark Yes or No for each item.
1. Pay, promotion opportunities
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

2. Working conditions (e.g., hours, equipment, working environment)
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

3. Job location
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

4. Changes in career or professional interests
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

5. Family-related reasons (e.g., children, spouse's job moved)
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

6. Job in highest degree field not available
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

7. Some other reason ? Specify ___________________________
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

Which two factors in question B25 were your most important reasons for working in an area outside the field of your highest degree?
Enter number of appropriate reason from question B25 above.
1 _____ Most important reason
2 _____ Second most important reason (Enter "0" if no second reason)

The next question is about your work activities on your principal job. Which of the following work activities occupied at least 10 percent of your time during a typical work week on this job?
Mark Yes or No for each item.
1. Accounting, finance, contracts
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

2. Basic research ? study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

3. Applied research ? study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

4. Development ? using knowledge gained from research for the production of materials, devices
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

5. Design or equipment, processes, structures, models
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

6. Computer programming, systems or applications development
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

7. Human resources ? including recruiting, personnel development, training
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

8. Managing or supervising people or projects
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

9. Production, operations, maintenance (e.g., chip production, operating lab equipment)
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

10. Professional services (e.g., health care, counseling, financial services, legal services)
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

11. Sales, purchasing, marketing, customer service, public realtions
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

12. Quality or productivity management
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

13. Teaching
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

14. Other ? specify _________________________
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

On which two activities in question B27 did you work the most hours during a typical week on this job?
Enter number of appropriate activity from question B27 above.
1 ___ ___ Activity most hours
2 ___ ___ Activity second most hours (Enter "0" if no second most)

Did you supervise the work of others as part of the principal job you held during the week of October 1?
Mark "Yes" if you recommended or initiated personnel actions such as hiring, firing, evaluating, or promoting others.
Teachers should not count students.
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No (Go to question B31)

(If Yes) How many people did you typically...
1. Supervise directly? _____ (Number supervised)(if none, enter "0")
2. Supervise indirectly through subordinate supervisors? _____(Number supervised)(if none, enter "0")

Thinking about your principal job held during the week of October 1, please rate your satisfaction with that job's...
Mark (X) one answer for each item.
1 Salary
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

2 Benefits
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

3 Job security
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

4 Job location
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

5 Opportunities for advancement
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

6 Intellectual challenge
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

7 Level of responsibility
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

8 Degree of independence
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

9 Contribution to society
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the principal job you held during the week of October 1?
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] Very satisfied
2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied
3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied
4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

Before deductions, what was your basic annual salary on this job as of the week of October 1, 2003?
Do not include bonuses, overtime, or additional compensation for summertime teaching or research. If you are not salaried, please estimate your earned income, excluding business expenses.
$___,___ ___ ___,___ ___ ___.00

During a typical week on this job, how many hours did you usually work?

Upon how many weeks was your salary based?
Include paid vacation and sick leave.
Number of hours per week ______

Thinking back now to 2002, was any of your work during 2002 supported by contracts or grants from the U.S. government?
0 [ ] Mark this box if you did not work in 2002 and then go to page 12, question C1
FEDERAL EMPLOYEES: Please answer "No"
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No (Go to question B38)
3 [ ] Don't know (Go to question B38)

(If Yes) Which Federal agencies or departments were supporting your work?
Mark all that apply.
1 [ ] Agriculture Department (USDA)
2 [ ] Defense Department (DOD)
3 [ ] Department of Education (including NCES, OERI, FIPSE, FIRST)
4 [ ] Energy Department (DOE)
5 [ ] Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
6 [ ] Health and Human Services Department (excluding NIH)
7 [ ] National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
8 [ ] National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9 [ ] National Science Foundation (NSF)
10 [ ] Transportation Department (DOT)
11 [ ] Other ? Specify _________________________

Counting all jobs held in 2002, what was your total earned income for 2002, before deductions? Include all wages, salaries, bonuses, overtime, commissions, consulting fees, net income from businesses, summertime teaching or research, or other work associated with scholarships.
$___,___ ___ ___,___ ___ ___.00

Part C ? Other Work-Related Experiences

Since October 1998, how many...
1 Papers have you (co)authored for presentation at regional, national or international conferences? (Do not count presentations of the same work more than once)
(If none, enter "0") _____________________

2 Articles, (co)authored by you, have been accepted for publication in a refereed professional journal?
(If none, enter "0") _____________________

3 Books or monographs, (co)authored by you, have been published or accepted for publication?
(If none, enter "0") _____________________

Since October 1998, have you been named as an inventor on any application for a U.S. patent?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No (Go to question C4)

(If Yes) Since October 1998...
1 How many applications for U.S. patents have you named you as an inventor?
(If none, enter "0") _____________________

2 How many U.S. patents have been granted to you as an inventor?
(If none, enter "0") _____________________

3 How many of the patents recorded as granted (in category 2 above) have resulted in commercialized products or processes or have been licensed?
(If none, enter "0") _____________________

During the past year, did you attend any professional society or association meetings or professional conferences?
Include regional, national, or international meetings.
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No

To how many regional, national or international professional societies or associations do you currently belong?
Number _________________ (If none, enter "0")

During the past year, did you take any work-related training, such as workshops or seminars?
Do not include professional meetings unless you attended a special training session conducted at the meeting/conference.
Do not include college coursework for which you were enrolled as a student
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No (Go to question C10)

(If Yes) During the past year, in which of the following areas did you receive training?
Mark Yes or No for each item.
1 Management or supervisor training
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

2 Training in your occupational field
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

3 General professional training (e.g., public speaking, business writing, word processing, spreadsheet use, etc.)
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

4 Other work-related training ? Specify
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

(If yes) For which of the following reasons did you take training during the past year?
Mark Yes or No for each item.
1. To facilitate a change to a different occupational field
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

2. To gain further skills or knowledge in your occupational field
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

3. For licensure or certification
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

4. To increase opportunities for promotion, advancement, or higher salary
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

5. To learn skills or knowledge needed for a recently acquired position
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

6. Required or expected by employer
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

7. Other ? specify ______________
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

What was your most important reason from question C8 for taking training?
Enter number of appropriate reason from question C8 above

When thinking about a job, how important is each of the following factors to you...
Mark (X) one answer for each item.
1 Salary
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

2 Benefits
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

3 Job security
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

4 Job location
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

5 Opportunities for advancement
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

6 Intellectual challenge
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

7 Level of responsibility
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

8 Degree of independence
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

9 Contribution to society
1 [ ] Very satisfied 2 [ ] Somewhat satisfied 3 [ ] Somewhat dissatisfied 4 [ ] Very dissatisfied

Part D ? Demographic Information

On October 1, 2003, were you...
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] Married
2 [ ] Living in a marriage-like relationship
3 [ ] Widowed (Go to question D4)
4 [ ] Separated (Go to question D4)
5 [ ] Divorced (Go to question D4)
6 [ ] Never married (Go to question D4)

(If Married or Living in a marriage-like relationship) During the week of April 1, 2006, was your spouse or partner working for pay or profit at a full-time or part-time job?
1 [ ] Yes, full-time
2 [ ] Yes, part-time
3 [ ] No (Go to question D4)

(If Yes) Did your spouse's or partner's duties on this job require the technical expertise of a bachelor's degree or higher in...
Mark Yes or No for each item.
1 Engineering, computer science, math, or the natural sciences
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

2 The social sciences
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

3 Some other field (e.g., health, business, or education) ? Specify _________________
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

On October 1, 2003, did you have any children living with you as part of your family?
Only count children who lived with you at least 50 percent of the time.
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No (Go to question D6)

(If Yes) How many of these children living with you as part of your family were...
If no children in a category, enter "0"
Number of Children _____ 1. Under age 2
Number of Children _____ 2. Aged 2-5
Number of Children _____ 3 Aged 6-11
Number of Children _____ 4. Aged 12-18
Number of Children _____ 5. Aged 19 or older

What is the highest level of education completed by your parents or guardians?
Mark one item for each parent or guardian
1. Less than high school completed
1 [ ] Mother or female guardian
1 [ ] Father or male guardian

2. High school diploma or equivalent
2 [ ] Mother or female guardian
2 [ ] Father or male guardian

3. Some college, vocational, or trade school (including 2-year degrees)
3 [ ] Mother or female guardian
3 [ ] Father or male guardian

4. Bachelor's degree (e.g., BS, BA, AB)
4 [ ] Mother or female guardian
4 [ ] Father or male guardian

5. Master's degree (e.g., MS, MA, MBA)
5 [ ] Mother or female guardian
5 [ ] Father or male guardian

6. Professional degree (e.g., JD, LLB, MD, DDS, DVM)
6 [ ] Mother or female guardian
6 [ ] Father or male guardian

7. Doctorate (e.g., PhD, DSc, EdD)
7 [ ] Mother or female guardian
7 [ ] Father or male guardian

8. Not applicable
8 [ ] Mother or female guardian
8 [ ] Father or male guardian

On October 1, 2003, were you living in the United States, Puerto Rico, or another U.S. territory, or were you living in another country?
1 [ ] United States, Puerto Rico, or another U.S. territory (Go to question D9)
2 [ ] Another country

In the next five years, how likely is it that you will return to the United States to live or work?
Mark one answer.
0 [ ] Mark this box if you returned to the United States to live or work since October 1, 2003
1 [ ] Very likely
2 [ ] Somewhat likely
3 [ ] Not very likely
4 [ ] Not likely at all
5 [ ] Don't know

On October 1, 2003, were you a...
1 [ ] U.S. Citizen
2 [ ] Non-U.S. Citizen (Go to question D11)

(If U.S. citizen) Were you a U.S. citizen...
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] Born in the United States, Puerto Rico, or another U.S. territory (Go to question D18)
2 [ ] Born abroad of American parent(s) (Go to question D18)
3 [ ] By naturalization (Go to question D14)

(If Non-U.S. citizen) Were you a non-U.S. citizen...
1 [ ] With a Permanent U.S. Resident Visa (Green Card)
Obtained in __ __ __ __ (Year) (Go to question D13)

2 [ ] With a Temporary U.S. Resident Visa

(If a Temporary U.S. Resident Visa Holder) On October 1, 2003, did you hold a visa issued...
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] For temporary work (e.g., H-1B, L-1A, L-1B, etc.)
2 [ ] For study or training (e.g., F-1, J-1, H-3, etc.)
3 [ ] To you as the dependent of another person (e.g., F-2, H-4, J-2, K-2, L-2, etc.)
4 [ ] For any other reason ? Specify visa type - ___________________

(If Non-U.S. citizen) Of which foreign country are you a citizen?
Country: _____________________________________

In what year did you first come to the United States for six months or longer?
Year __ __ __ __

What kind of visa did you hold when you first came to the United States for six months or longer?
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] Permanent U.S. Resident Visa (Green Card)
2 [ ] Temporary U.S. Resident Visa for temporary work (e.g., H-1B, L-1A, L-1B, etc.)
3 [ ] Temporary U.S. Resident Visa for study or training (e.g., F-1, J-1, H-3, etc.)
4 [ ] Temporary U.S. Resident Visa as the dependent of another person (e.g., F-2, H-4, J-2, K-2, L-2, etc.)
5 [ ] Other Temporary U.S. Resident Visa ? Specify visa type __________________________

Which factors were important in your decision to first come to the United States for six months or longer?
Mark Yes or No fore each item.
1 Family-related reasons
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

2 Educational opportunities in the United States
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

3 Job or economic opportunities
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

4 Scientific or professional infrastructure in my field
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

5 Other ? Specify _________________________
1 [ ] Yes 2 [ ] No

Which two factors in question D16 were the most important reasons in your decision to come to the United States?
Enter number of appropriate reason from question D16 above.
1 __ Most important reason
2 __ Second most important reason (Enter "0" if no second reason)

Are you a citizen of more than one country?
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No

In what U.S. state, U.S. territory, or foreign country were you born?
State/Territory ________________________________
Foreign Country _______________________________

Are you...
1 [ ] Male
2 [ ] Female

Are you Hispanic or Latino
1 [ ] Yes
2 [ ] No (Go to question D23)

(If Yes) Which of the following best describes your Hispanic origin or descent?
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] Mexican or Chicano
2 [ ] Puerto Rican
3 [ ] Cuban
4 [ ] Other Hispanic ? Specify

What is your racial background?
Mark one or more.
1 [ ] American Indian or Alaska Native ? specify tribal affiliations ___________
2 [ ] Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
3 [ ] Asian
4 [ ] Black or African American
5 [ ] White

What is your birthdate?
Month ___ ___ Day ___ ___ Year 19 ___ ___

The next several questions are designed to help us better understand the career paths of individuals with different physical abilities.

What is the USUAL degree of difficulty you have with...
Mark one answer for each item.
1. SEEING words or letters in ordinary newsprint (with glasses/contact lenses, if you usually wear them)
1 [ ] None 2 [ ] Slight 3 [ ] Moderate 4 [ ] Severe 5 [ ] Unable to do

2. HEARING what is normally said in conversation with another person (with hearing aid, if you usually wear one)
1 [ ] None 2 [ ] Slight 3 [ ] Moderate 4 [ ] Severe 5 [ ] Unable to do

3. WALKING without human or mechanical assistance or using stairs
1 [ ] None 2 [ ] Slight 3 [ ] Moderate 4 [ ] Severe 5 [ ] Unable to do

4. LIFTING or carrying something as heavy as 10 pounds, such as a bag of groceries
1 [ ] None 2 [ ] Slight 3 [ ] Moderate 4 [ ] Severe 5 [ ] Unable to do

0 [ ] Mark this box if you answered "None" to all the activities in question D25, and go to question D28.

What is the earliest age at which you first began experiencing any difficulties in any of these areas?
Age ___ ___ OR 0 [ ] Since Birth

In case we need to clarify some of the information you have provided, please list phone numbers and an email address where you can be reached.
Daytime Phone Number ___ ___ ___-___ ___ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
1 [ ] Home 2 [ ] Work 3 [ ] Cell

Evening Phone Number ___ ___ ___-___ ___ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
1 [ ] Home 2 [ ] Work 3 [ ] Cell

Cell Phone Number ___ ___ ___-___ ___ ___-___ ___ ___ ___
1 [ ] Home 2 [ ] Work 3 [ ] Cell

Email Address: _________________@_________________

Since we are interested in how education and employment change over time, we may be contacting you in 2005. To help us contact you, please provide the name and contact information for two people who are likely to know where you can be reached. Do not include someone who lives in your household.
As with all the information provided in this questionnaire, complete confidentiality will be provided. These people will only be contacted if we have difficulty contacting you in 2005.
Person 1
First Name
Last Name
Number and Street
Zip Code
Country (if outside of U.S.)

___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___
Area code Number

Person 2
First Name
Last Name
Number and Street
Zip Code
Country (if outside of U.S.)

___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___
Area code Number

D30. Please turn to the back cover for the last question (D31).

How would you like to complete future rounds of this survey?
Mark one answer.
1 [ ] A questionnaire sent in the mail
2 [ ] A questionnaire that you can fill out on the World Wide Web
3 [ ] A telephone interview
4 [ ] No preference